Kwan Ching

It's No Heaven

1988 Movies


1993 Movies


2005 Movies

Bet On Fate

1992 TV Shows

Glittering Fortune

1990 TV Shows

Crimson Sabre

2001 TV Shows

The War Heroes

1989 TV Shows

The Unexpected

1995 TV Shows

The Link

1993 TV Shows

The Ching Emperor

1994 TV Shows

Swordsman Lai Bo Yee

1995 TV Shows

When Dreams Come True

2000 TV Shows

The Survivor

1991 TV Shows

Blade Heart

2004 TV Shows

Looking Back in Anger

1989 TV Shows

The Hunter's Prey

1990 TV Shows

It Runs in the Family

1990 TV Shows

Plain Love II

1999 TV Shows

Incurable Traits

2000 TV Shows

The Mark of Triumph

1992 TV Shows

The Blood Hounds

1990 TV Shows

Ancient Heroes

1996 TV Shows

All About Tin

1993 TV Shows

Twilight of a Nation

1989 TV Shows

Here Comes A Hero

1989 TV Shows

Plain Love

1995 TV Shows

When Lanes Merge

2010 TV Shows

Passion Among Us

1993 TV Shows

Golden Snake Sword

1992 TV Shows

My Father's Son

1988 TV Shows

Shades of Truth

2005 TV Shows

The White Flame

2002 TV Shows

The Shell Game

1981 TV Shows

Summer Heat

2006 TV Shows

Scavengers' Paradise

2005 TV Shows

Rosy Business

2009 TV Shows

State of Divinity

1996 TV Shows

The Grand Canal

1987 TV Shows

Flame of Fury

1988 TV Shows

Deadly Secret

1989 TV Shows

The Justice of Life

1989 TV Shows

The Ruin of War

1991 TV Shows

The Black Sabre

1991 TV Shows

The File Of Justice

1997 TV Shows

The File Of Justice

1997 TV Shows

The Condor Heroes 95

1995 TV Shows

Crime And Passion

1994 TV Shows

Plain Love II

1999 TV Shows


1996 TV Shows

Gods of Honour

2001 TV Shows

Country Spirit

2001 TV Shows

A Step Into The Past

2001 TV Shows

Virtues of Harmony

2002 TV Shows

Virtues of Harmony

2002 TV Shows

Seven Sisters

2001 TV Shows

Welcome to the House

2007 TV Shows

Land of Wealth

2006 TV Shows

Trimming Success

2006 TV Shows

My Family

2005 TV Shows

Shine On You

2004 TV Shows

Point of No Return

2003 TV Shows

Golden Faith

2002 TV Shows

Take My Word For It

2002 TV Shows

Slow Boat Home

2013 TV Shows

Reality Check

2013 TV Shows

The Last Steep Ascent

2012 TV Shows

River of Wine

2011 TV Shows

Face to Fate

2007 TV Shows

A Great Way to Care

2011 TV Shows

Gun Metal Grey

2010 TV Shows

Can't Buy Me Love

2010 TV Shows

Xu Xiao Mei

2011 TV Shows

D.I.E. Again

2009 TV Shows

Best Selling Secrets

2008 TV Shows

On The First Beat

2007 TV Shows

Dark Tales

1998 TV Shows

Dark Tales

1998 TV Shows

Dark Tales

1998 TV Shows

Better Halves

2003 TV Shows

Armed Reaction

2004 TV Shows

Armed Reaction

2004 TV Shows

Armed Reaction

2004 TV Shows