
5.90 114 minutes
The story follows Jamie, a troubled young man with a birthmark on his face, which has left him feeling isolated and fearful, hiding from the world outside. He lives in the East End of London, an area notorious for its violent hooded gangs. According to news reports, the gangs are now wearing demon masks. But, one night, Jamie discovers the terrifying truth.


A Bronx Tale

1993 Movies

The 51st State

2001 Movies

The Way of the Gun

2000 Movies

Boyz n the Hood

1991 Movies

Out of the Past

1947 Movies

Fly By Night

2019 Movies

Miller's Crossing

1990 Movies

The Departed

2006 Movies

Touch of Evil

1958 Movies

Get Carter

1971 Movies

Goal Club

2001 Movies

The Omen

2006 Movies

We Own the Night

2007 Movies



2009 Movies

The Stepfather

1987 Movies

Blood Glacier

2013 Movies

Hellraiser: Deader

2005 Movies


2015 Movies

Second Act

2023 Movies


2011 Movies


2009 Movies

The Gauntlet

1977 Movies

High Tension

2003 Movies

End of Days

1999 Movies

A Single Man

2009 Movies