The story begins with a heavily wounded Tu Hsien-wu recalling the past after protecting Dr Sun Yat-sen dedicated to a revolutionary cause in Hong. Kong from the pursuit of the Ching troops..
A rich and powerful man in Tientsin, Tu Yu-wen seeks the help of geomancer Fang Yi-ting to find a suitable grave, hoping that his son. Hsien-wu will someday be blessed with honor.
On the other hand, sensing the corruption of the Ching regime and the threats posed by the French troops, Hsien-wu, endowed with civil and military virtues, devotes himself to achieving unity and building China into a power.
One day, a recluse Lu Hang-erh extorts with a coffin a large donation from the Tus for replenishing arms against French invasion. Impressed by his patriotism, Hsien-wu offers to duel with him and wins easily.… ...