NGOR looks over IRENE in the balcony. When she witnesses IRENE points at PUI with a knife, she strikes in to save PUI. Later, they knows that IRENE only wants to chop down PUI's hair as she wishes to be with him forever. It is just a false terror. They then know that there is nothing to do with IRENE for the murder cases. The colleagues reckon that NGOR has fallen for PUI when they witnesses NGOR who has saved PUI bravely. It is out of PUI's expectation. Nonetheless, he still boasts of his handsomeness and bravery. He even claims that it is not surprised for NGOR who has fallen for him. NGOR cannot tell PUI's mind. Moreover, he does not express anything to NGOR personally. She feels very embarrassed as her case has spread all over the police station. NGOR pretends that there is nothing happened and treats PUI with an official tone……