JOE picks up the ring that BOWIE proposed marrying him on the beach. He fills with emotion and cries. KETON and TAK go to worship WAI’s tomb. They meet WAH and find out that WAI had suspected somebody did want to kill her. KETONE and TAK reckon that YIP must have kept some secret and WAI had threatened YIP with this secret that lead to her death. On the opening of Ching Kee Restaurant, KETONE arrives at the restaurant and tells JOE that she got some glue. They go to WAI’s home again and search for some clues. They eventually find a mini video-camera. The judge allows to release BOWIE on bail in view of the new evidence. JOE suspects that the guy wearing a long coat is YIP. KETONE tells BOWIE that YIP is a suspect. BOWIE is in doubt. JOE meets BOWIE who is very sick. He accompanies her to see doctor. YIP sees JOE and BOWIE together and is very jealous. YIP heard that his firm postpones his UK employment.… ...