CHEK ‧NAM meet YAT YIN again in a country club and they have a most agreeable chat. They both have very good impression towards each other. CHUN CHUN always behaves in an opposite way to HOK TAK every time when HOK TAK has visitors. She wants to ruin HOK TAK's reputation and this makes HOK TAK very angry. CHUN CHUN's parent were killed in a fighting of illegal ganga many years ago. She was badly shocked. Later when she discovered that HOK TAX was related in the murder, she hates HOK Tal very much and gives herself up in order to take revenge to the others. CHUN CHUN and YAT YIN are good old friends. However they are separated for so many years and also there are great changes in the behaviour of CHUN CHUN. The relationship of this couple can hardly recover as before. CHONG SIR sends some guys to ambush for HAN SING and to pretend to threaten him to disclose CHONG SIR's secret……