Road workers discover a bomb near the fire station, while Nick's crew is just dealing with a little fire in a garbage can. Sally, who's on standby in the pump receives a call about the bomb. Blue Watch has to evacuate the street around the fire station and are refused entry, while army experts come to defuse the bomb and take residence in the station. Meanwhile, a careless car driver knocks over a little school girl and furious mothers stage a protest on the street against maniac drivers. Blue Watch has to watch how the bomb experts are working and don't know what to do. One crew goes to have lunch at another fire station where the food is miserable and the firemen obnoxious. The other crew is just about to have lunch at a fast food joint, causing raised eyebrows in their uniforms, when they are called to a block of flats where a guy is trapped in a lift. When they want to go up in the other lift, it gets stuck as well. The others have to come and get them all out of the lifts.
While Blackwall is on stand-by at another station, they are called to a burning flat, where a young woman passed out after burning some letters from her ex-lover in the trash can. Hallam's crew can't proceed, because they are stuck in the street where the mothers are protesting against car drivers, so Nick's crew has to tackle the blaze on their own. He risks his life and for once has to be grateful to Pearce who rescues him. Hallam gets into a furious argument with the leader of the protest, but not to much avail. At least they can all return to Blackwall Fire Station. While Pearce and Sicknote muse about the bomb and the damage it could have done, Billy scares them to death by throwing a trash can onto the ground next to them. When they enter the station, they realize that the army guys have devoured all their supplies in the kitchen, but before they can get too excited the alarm bell goes off again.